Meet Kalos Consulting!
The Claris community continues to evolve in new and exciting ways, but one thing remains: companies, development teams, and the entire platform still require top-tier, dedicated developers to create and refine the tools and applications that drive growth across the platform.
Kalos Consulting is dedicated to helping the industry find and hire the right people to ensure this type of growth can be possible and sustainable. Let’s be honest, hiring is tough, and knowing what you need and where to find it is even tougher. You need a trusted, dedicated professional resource within the community who has a track record of success finding and hiring talent for your team.
If you’re new to us – Kalos Consulting is the premier global Claris FileMaker recruitment firm among our other technical hiring specialties focused on fostering connections with a relational approach. We build the bridge between talented innovators and companies seeking to innovate with FileMaker. From the hiring of full-time employees to part-time contractors, all the way to development resources on project-based assignments, our team at Kalos can help you navigate to find the best fit for your unique needs.
What the community is saying: “[Kalos] Your commitment to understanding and facilitating the FileMaker employment space is deep and significant.” – Claris Partner and Kalos client.
“Their team members are tremendously thoughtful of you when they consider you for a position and only want the best position that fits your personality.” – Placed candidate.
We look forward to partnering with you.
Contact to learn more!